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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Somali Diaspora Conference, hosted by Qatar from July 22 to 24, concluded successfully, bringing together approximately 250 representatives from various Somali communities and diaspora activists.

The conference focused on formulating actionable recommendations and initiatives to foster Somalia’s development and strengthen the ties between Somalia and Qatar.

In his closing remarks, Somali Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmed Fiqi expressed deep gratitude to the Qatari government for their warm hospitality and for hosting the event. He highlighted the profound and enduring relationship between Somalia and Qatar, underscoring the values of mutual respect, solidarity, and cooperation that have defined their partnership.

“Our two nations have always stood together, and as we gather in this spirit of unity, we reaffirm our commitment to strengthening this bond,” Minister Fiqi said.

Minister Fiqi called upon Qatari investors to focus on key sectors within Somalia, emphasizing that such investments would not only yield significant economic benefits but also fortify the longstanding ties between the peoples of both nations.

Addressing the Somali diaspora, Minister Fiqi acknowledged their invaluable contributions to Somalia’s progress. “You are the heart and soul of our nation. Your efforts have been pivotal in supporting families, communities, and the overall development of our country. Now, more than ever, Somalia needs your active involvement in revitalizing our economy and fostering its growth,” he stated.

He urged the diaspora to leverage their diverse experiences, skills, and expertise to contribute to Somalia’s reconstruction and advancement, thus securing a promising future for the next generations.

Over the course of the two-day conference, participants engaged in a series of informative sessions led by ambassadors, intellectuals, scholars, and thinkers. These sessions provided a platform for exchanging knowledge and experiences, aiming to bridge the gap between the Somali diaspora and their homeland. The conference underscored the importance of harnessing the collective wisdom and resources of the diaspora to drive meaningful development and positive change in Somalia.

The conference concluded with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment among the participants, laying the groundwork for future collaborations and initiatives aimed at transforming Somalia into a prosperous and stable nation.

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