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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ahmed Moalim Fiqi on Saturday opened one day ‘Diaspora Investment Forum’ in the capital Mogadishu, aiming to empower their role in state-building and economic development and contribution to the country.

The Minister underscored their vivid role in investing the country, reviving the economy of the people and defending the country greatly, saying the Government gives them priority and encourage them to return and invest the country.

“The diaspora communities are ambassadors for our country, conveying good image from us as well as the country while staying in their respective countries and they promoted the reputation of Somalia”, Fiqi said, assuring that the Federal Government of Somalia is committed to providing ample investment opportunities and ensuring security for diaspora investors.

Highlighting the economic impact of remittance flows from the diaspora, Minister Fiqi noted their substantial contribution to the nation’s economic vitality and applauded their positive portrayal of Somalia through their exemplary conduct.

The forum’s theme, ‘ Empowering the Somali Diaspora for Sustainable Development’ showcased key areas in which they have invested including banks, education, real states, infrastructure and other lifeline activities.

International Bank of Somalia (IBS) facilitated the organizing of the forum according to the Ministry and Bank officials who commended the diaspora role throughout the country.

“Our Diaspora community and youth are two among two key assets belonging to Somalia, they are important for the country, despite rich resources of Somalia. the diasporta community is larger and they are supposed to be equal to the others staying in the country, millions are are out of the country and they contribute well and they bring two billions of dollars into the country according to certain studies”, Abdirisak Ali Warsame, IBS Bank Deputy Governor said.

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