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Riyadh(Mogadishu24)-Somali Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Khadija Mohamed Al Makhzoumi, participated in the opening of the third session of the Arab Environment Forum today in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The forum, held at the ministerial level, focused on the theme “Rehabilitating Lands to Enhance Resilience.”

Minister Al Makhzoumi emphasized the importance of international cooperation and coordination in restoring natural systems and preventing their deterioration. She highlighted that such efforts are vital for the region’s agriculture, pastures, forests, fisheries, coastal areas, and wetlands.

“Collaboration among international partners is crucial to halting environmental degradation and enhancing resilience across our region,” stated Minister Al Makhzoumi.

The League of Arab States, which organized the forum, underscores the significant role of environmental initiatives. The League is committed to finding scientific solutions to restore ecosystems and combat desertification and land degradation.

By fostering international cooperation, promoting scientific research, and supporting training centers, the Arab Environment Forum aims to advance these essential environmental goals, crucial for the region’s sustainable future.


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