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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Members of the Somali Federal Parliament have strongly condemned the arrest of Alinur Salaad, Chief Executive of Dawan Media Group, following their session in Mogadishu. The arrest has sparked significant outrage among parliamentarians and the public.

MP Faiza Jeyte expressed deep concern over the government’s actions, drawing parallels to the era of 2006 to 2011 when journalists were frequently harassed, intimidated, or killed, and radio stations were looted.

“We are heading towards a troubling situation,” Jeyte said. She reminded the public of the events of 2021, where similar oppressive tactics led to widespread unrest. “People should not be forced into revolt like the tribalism and demonstrations of the past. The President, who once called for national rescue, is now overseeing these terrible actions, including arrests and dictatorial behaviors, which are crimes. He promised that people would not be intimidated for their views, yet now, even a civil servant’s social media post can lead to salary cuts, dismissal, and arrest“, she said.

Jeyte called on President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to release Alinur Salaad immediately, criticizing the police’s conduct. “The police should act respectfully and not disgrace the reputation of the people,” she added.

MP Mustaf Dhuhulow likened the arrest to repressive doctrines from Eritrea, which stifle freedom of speech and prevent free elections. “I am surprised by the arrests of the journalists nowadays, this doctrine belonging to Efwerk, there’s press freedom, It is taboo to apply that doctrine into Somalia”, Dhuhulow said in a press conference.

MP, Yusuf Gama’did described the arrest as indicative of a dictatorship and a violation of the constitution. “The arrest is aimed at to threaten you not to expose the facts”, he said.

The condemnation was echoed by numerous other parliamentarians, senators, former President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, MP Abdirahman Abdishukar Warsame, scholars, media institutions, and the general public. Alinur Salaad remains in custody for the third day without trial. The widespread denunciation underscores the growing concerns over press freedom and governmental overreach in Somalia.

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