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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Somali Government has taken swift action following the terrorist attack at Liido Beach, holding security officers accountable for lapses in the area’s protection. Some officers are already in custody, and intensive investigations are ongoing according to the officials.

In a powerful display of leadership and solidarity, Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre visited Erdogan Hospital overnight to personally meet with the victims of the heinous attack.


The Prime Minister expressed profound sympathy to the grieving families who lost their loved ones in the attack and offered prayers for the quick and complete recovery of the injured. He assured the public that every effort will be made to support and care for all individuals affected by this terrible tragedy.

The attack on Liido Beach View Hotel left 37 people dead and 247 others injured, according to the Ministry of Health of Somalia. Al-Shabaab has claimed responsibility for the attack, stating its fighters killed 54 Somali government officials and wounded 87 others.

Barre reassured the public that strict measures are being taken to address the security lapses, with those responsible being held accountable to prevent such incidents from recurring. “The Somali government is committed to providing necessary support to the victims and their families while enhancing security measures to protect the nation“, office of the Prime Minister said.

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