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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somalia’s Ministry of Defense on Tuesday announced the recruitment of new army officers who intend to join the Somali National Army ahead of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia’s Exit later this year.

The Ministry Command said in notice that both female and male candidates can apply for the job, saying the male candidates can submit their applications on July 6 and until July 18 next month while female candidates can apply on 20 to 25th of the same month.

The Notice said that the candidates’ age should be 18 to 22 years old and completed secondary schools with certificates of both the secondary and birth and passport. It also said that those with bachelor degrees were welcomed.

The Government’s move to recruit new soldiers came as troops from the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia to leave the country by December 2024. It also came as the Somali National Army backed by the International Partners did not achieve the offensive war against Al-Shabaab.

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