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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Somali Federal Government of Somalia on Wednesday commented a video footage of Al-Shabaab militants, displaying new group graduates at manoeuvre and described it as exaggerated propaganda video hiding the group’s weakness.

Minister of foreign Affairs of Somalia, Ahmed Moalim Fiqi said on twitter post that the group’s video was well produced film, indicating that the Somali National Army turned Al-Shabaab from real fighters to Hollywood actors.

“I saw some members of the terrorist group making a propaganda video & exaggerating. It is an evident that they are hiding their weakness with a well-produced film. On the other hand, it is our national forces who have turned Al-Shabab from real fighters into Hollywood actors”, Ahmed Fiqi said.

The Somali Government’s comment came hours after Al-Shabaab released an hour long video footage, showing its new graduates in a military exercise and while its affiliated media said that the video was translated into seven other languages including French, English, Arabic.

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