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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, along with Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre, opened a two-day Governance Strategic Direction Program in Mogadishu on Monday, to discuss transformation of governance system, and promote transparency, accountability, and public service delivery.

Speaking at the event, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud emphasized that political stability is the fundamental pillar of security, stability, and peaceful coexistence among communities.

“As a government, we must first achieve reconciliation and agreements to address political disputes within our country. Political stability is the cornerstone for all other issues. With political stability can we effectively work together on peace-building efforts, coexistence, security and stability of our nation,” President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud stated.

The President also discussed a wide range of issues, including the fight against Al-Shabaab militants in the country, highlighting the government’s huge achievements in the offensive operations.

President Hassan Sheikh addressed concerns related to corruption, debt, security forces, and the arms embargo, emphasizing that these are essential components of the government’s transformation system.

He mentioned that the completion of the constitution is in its final stages and will be a importance for the well-being of Somali citizens.

“The constitution is fundamental for any government in the world. Governments cannot progress without a functional constitution. It is of paramount importance for our country to finalize the constitution, as it will enhance government operations, promote good governance, and improve service delivery to our citizens,” President Hassan added.

The Prime Minister, Hamza Abdi Barre emphasized the government’s efforts in advancing an accountable and transparent governance system that would create a conducive environment for socio-economic and political stability.

“Today marks a momentous occasion in our governance history as we take an important leap towards the transforming how our Government works in services delivery. However, we must go much faster than before to Somali people elect their political representatives through ballot box,” said Hamza Abdi Barre, Somalia’s prime minister.

The Prime Minister highlighted the urgent need for a unified mission and ideology to strengthen political stability, which would promote job creation for young Somalis through the expansion of the private sector and increased foreign investment.

He further stressed the importance of completing the constitutional review process, stating that finalizing the constitution would enhance inclusive political stability and serve as a solution to the frequent political stalemates within the country.

“Our political environment will not stabilize unless the constitutional review process is completed, where the Somali people get the chance to elect their political representatives through the ballot box,” he added.

The conference on the transformation of Somalia into a modern governance system will be attended by all members of the Council of Ministers, international experts, and leaders with extensive knowledge in government development and modernization.

The federal government has recently taken measures to digitalize some government services, including launching a national identification and registration process to strengthen digital information in the country.

Somalia has faced security threats from the terrorist organization Al-Shabaab and a civil war that has affected the effectiveness of its institutions. However, with the support of international partners, it has now liberated half of the territories previously controlled by Al-Shabaab.

Despite these challenges, the federal government has redoubled its efforts to combat terrorism and revitalize its institutions, such as the Defense and Security, Immigration and Registrations departments, anti-corruption agencies, and the auditing and financial management systems.

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