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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somalia’s Minister of Agriculture, Mohamed A. Hayer Maareeye, has expressed outrage after witnessing the mistreatment of Somali travelers, including civil servants, stranded for several nights at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) in Nairobi.

The minister reported that Kenyan Airways canceled multiple flights to Mogadishu, leaving Somali passengers, including children, confined to the airport without the option of being accommodated in hotels, unlike passengers from other nations.

Minister Maareeye criticized the Somali embassy in Nairobi for failing to assist its citizens and urged Somalia’s Civil Aviation Authority to hold Kenya Airways accountable.

“It’s commendable that the Somali Civil Aviation Authority has taken action regarding the mistreatment of Somali passengers by Kenya Airways at JKIA. I hope this will mark the end of the impunity among air transport operators in Somalia,” said Abdullahi Osman, CEO of Hormuud Salaam Foundation, on X.

The Somali Civil Aviation Authority has requested an explanation from the airline, a move widely supported by the Somali public and seen as a necessary step toward ensuring the dignity and rights of Somali travelers.

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