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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Hassan Moalim on Sunday inaugurated the Somali Custodial Corps Strategic Planning Consultation, a collaborative event organized by the Ministry of Justice in partnership with the International Development Law Organization (IDLO). The event was attended by the Attorney General, the US Ambassador, key judiciary officials, representatives from the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Security, and members of civil society.

In his opening remarks, Minister Hassan acknowledged the significant challenges facing custodial facilities in Somalia due to years of neglect. He reaffirmed his commitment to improving the conditions and capacity of these facilities through coordinated efforts and enhanced accountability across the criminal justice chain.

The consultation aims to validate institutional documents, foster collaboration through the establishment of a Custodial Corps Advisory/Working Group, and secure support from donors and stakeholders for long-term success. This initiative marks a significant step towards enhancing correctional services, ensuring security, and fostering rehabilitation within Somalia’s criminal justice system.

The Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs emphasized the importance of this transformative event, thanking all contributors.

“The United States is proud to partner with Somalia to help develop its Custodial Corps, the final link in the criminal justice chain. Today our implementer, IDLO, presented our Somali partners with an institutional assessment and strategic plan for reform of the Custodial Corps,” the US Embassy to Somalia stated in a post on X (formerly Twitter).

This consultation represents a critical move towards improving the nation’s correctional services, aiming to create a more effective, accountable, and rehabilitative custodial system in Somalia.

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