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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-In a move that has sparked widespread criticism and ignited debates about gender representation in Somali politics, Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre appointed Gen. Bashir Ahmed Jama ‘Gobe’ as the new Minister for Family and Human Rights Development. The appointment, announced yesterday, replaces the previously held position of the Ministry of Women.

Violating Women’s Quota?

The decision to appoint Gen. Jama has been viewed by many as a direct violation of the women’s quota, raising serious questions about the commitment to gender equality within the government. Critics argue that the appointment undermines the efforts to ensure female representation in key government roles.

Social Media Backlash

Social media has been abuzz with reactions from activists and public figures condemning the appointment. Senator Maryam Farah Kahiye took to Facebook, stating, “Where is the rights for women, we are standing in junction where we would correct the wrongs from the right things. It is a responsibility on us to restore our constitutional rights. I know Somali women who hold PhDs in Women and Children’s Rights, why are they not given the ministerial position?”

Another female activist expressed her disappointment on X (formerly Twitter), addressing Prime Minister Barre directly, “Dear @HamzaAbdiBarre, it is deeply disappointing to see a man appointed to the Ministry of Women. Somali women deserve representation by women in leadership roles, especially in ministries directly impacting their lives. This decision does not reflect our needs.”

Questionable Appointments

Adding to the controversy is the perception that Gen. Jama’s military background makes him an unlikely fit for the Ministry of Family and Human Rights Development. Critics highlighted the irony that Somalia chose a high-ranking military official for a role traditionally associated with social issues, while appointing a less experienced individual to the Ministry of Defense.

Background of Gen. Jama

Gen. Bashir Ahmed Jama ‘Gobe’ was previously the Deputy Minister of Public Works. He was recently elected as a member of the Federal Parliament in an election held in Dhusamareb, the administrative capital of Galmudug State, on July 23rd. He filled the seat (#HOP 18) vacated by his wife, Sahra Olad Abdi, following her resignation.

Moving Forward

The appointment of Gen. Jama comes seven months after the demise of the former Minister of Women, Khadija Dire. The Somali government now faces the challenge of addressing the public outcry and ensuring that the principles of gender equality and fair representation are upheld.

The debate over this appointment highlights the ongoing struggle for gender equality in Somalia’s political landscape. As the discussions continue, it remains to be seen how the government will respond to the calls for more inclusive and representative leadership.

This news piece reflects the ongoing controversy and public reaction to the recent ministerial appointment in Somalia, emphasizing the importance of gender representation in governance.

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