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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud convened an extraordinary meeting of the National Security Council (NSC) on July 18, 2024, to address the recent illicit weapons incident in the Galgudud region under Galmudug State.

Key Points from the Meeting:

  • Reports Presented: Security agencies and the National Security Advisor presented reports on the smuggling and seizure of weapons by armed militias in northern Galgudud.
  • Directives Issued:
    1. Oversight and Management: The Central Monitoring Department (CMD) at the Office of National Security, established by Presidential Decree 142, remains a critical institution for overseeing weapons and ammunition management across Somalia.
    2. Incident Report: The Ministry of Internal Security, in collaboration with other security agencies, must submit a detailed report and recommendations within two weeks, identifying those responsible and proposing measures to prevent future incidents.
    3. Total Ban: A total ban on the trade, smuggling, and any other business related to weapons and ammunition by non-state actors was agreed upon, in line with existing legal frameworks.
    4. Weapons Procurement Policy: The Council agreed to urgently present the Weapons Procurement Policy to the Council of Ministers of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS).
    5. Justice for Perpetrators: The Ministry of Justice and law enforcement authorities were tasked with swiftly bringing all perpetrators involved in illegal activities to justice.
  • President’s Emphasis: President Mohamud stressed the importance of strictly implementing Arms and Ammunition Control Procedures. He noted that the successful lifting of the arms embargo by the United Nations was contingent on the effective management of military supplies and arms for the Somali National Security Forces.

The Federal Government of Somalia faces criticism from opposition and international partners over arms control issues, particularly after local militias robbed and looted two trucks carrying a large cache of weapons near the Abudwak district. This incident occurred only six months after the United Nations Security Council lifted a 33-year arms embargo on Somalia.

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