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Central Banks Governor 06

Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somali President, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has granted an additional four-year term to Abdirahman M Abdullahi, the Governor of the Central Bank of Somalia, Mogadishu24 learned.

Abdirahman M Abdullahi, a close associate of former Prime Minister Hassan Ali Kheyre, declined President Hassan’s offer to serve as a minister and expressed his desire to continue leading the bank.

In April 2019, Abdirahman was appointed as the Governor of the Central Bank, and his initial contract would have expired this year.

Before assuming his current position as Governor and Chairman of the Board of Directors of CBS, Abdirahman served as a Senior Economic Policy Advisor for the Office of the Prime Minister in Somalia. During this time, he made huge contributions to policy reforms in the field of Public Financial Management.

Mr. Abdirahman holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Banking (MSc) from Liverpool John Moores University (JMU) in the UK, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU).

Furthermore, Ali Yassin has been appointed as the deputy governor. Both the finance minister and the bank governor originate from the Breakaway Republic of Somaliland, which holds divergent opinions concerning their association with Somalia.

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