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Asmara(Mogadishu24)-Yemane G. Meskel, Eritrea’s Information Minister, announced on X Monday that the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, has arrived in Asmara for a working visit. The arrival, which took place at mid-day, saw President Mohamud and his delegation receive a warm welcome from President Isaias Afwerki at Asmara International Airport.

The two leaders are set to engage in discussions aimed at enhancing bilateral relations and addressing multilateral issues of mutual importance during their summit later this evening. This visit marks the latest in a series of engagements between the two nations, underscoring their growing partnership.

A significant aspect of this cooperation is Eritrea’s support for Somalia’s military capabilities. Eritrea has trained and equipped over 10,000 Somali soldiers, including specialized forces. These troops are expected to play crucial roles in Somalia’s future national army, naval forces, and air forces.

President Mohamud highlighted this contribution in October 2023, stating, “Eritrea has gone above and beyond in its support of Somalia.”

Since his re-election in May 2022, President Mohamud has visited Eritrea approximately ten times, reflecting the importance he places on this bilateral relationship. Additionally, Somalia appointed its first ambassador to Eritrea in over three decades, further solidifying diplomatic ties.

This ongoing collaboration between Eritrea and Somalia signifies a strategic alliance poised to benefit both nations significantly.

However, Villa Somalia did not provide details about the president’s trip to Eritrea and how long will take to stay there so far.


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