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Jigjiga(Mogadishu24)-President Mustafe Omer of the Somali State in Ethiopia has outlined ambitious plans to enhance agricultural productivity in the region, aiming to ensure food security and reduce reliance on foreign aid.

President Omer highlighted the regional agricultural transformation plan, with a focus on rice production in Gode, Shabelle zone, as a key initiative for achieving food self-sufficiency.

“Rice production in Gode, Shabelle zone, is part of the regional agricultural transformation plan aimed at food self-sufficiency,” President Omer on X post Tuesday.

Over the past five years, the Somali State has undertaken significant infrastructure projects to improve the quality of life for its residents and promote sustainable development. These projects include the construction of roads, health facilities, and the provision of water and electricity supplies.

Additionally, substantial investments have been made in agricultural developments to support the region’s long-term growth and stability.

The President emphasized that these efforts are crucial for the community’s well-being and the region’s overall development, reflecting a commitment to creating a self-reliant and prosperous Somali State in Ethiopia.

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