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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somalia and Ethiopia are set to resume talks on Monday, August 12, in Ankara, Turkey, as efforts continue to address the escalating tensions between the two countries. The talks, originally scheduled for September 2, have been brought forward as announced by Turkey’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hakan Fidan, on Friday.

Background of the Tensions

The dispute between Somalia and Ethiopia erupted on January 1, 2024, when Ethiopia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the breakaway republic of Somaliland. The agreement, which leased 20 kilometers of sea access to Ethiopia in exchange for recognition, was immediately rejected by Somalia, which declared the deal null and void and expelled Ethiopia’s ambassador. Since then, relations between the two nations have deteriorated, despite calls from international partners for de-escalation to prevent regional instability.

Turkey’s Role and Statement

Turkey, which is mediating the talks, has emphasized the importance of resolving the conflict. Minister Fidan stated, “Tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia would come to an end with Ethiopia’s access to the seas through Somalia as long as Ethiopia’s recognition of Somalia’s territorial integrity and political sovereignty is secured.”

Concerns and Expert Opinions

The upcoming talks have sparked concerns and questions about the true nature of Ethiopia’s intentions. Professor Afyare A. Elmi, an expert on the region, pointed out that Ethiopia’s aspirations for a “sea corridor” are not new and often involve more than just commercial access to ports. He emphasized that “sovereign access” or establishing a “navy base” on Somalia’s coastline is a different matter entirely, one that Somalia has consistently rejected.

Somalia has made it clear that it is only willing to discuss “commercial access” or “use of ports” based on international best practices. This raises questions about what exactly will be on the agenda during the upcoming discussions in Ankara.

International Support

The international community, including the United Nations, UK, U.S., Turkey, and Egypt, has expressed strong support for Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, further complicating Ethiopia’s aspirations.

As the two nations prepare for the talks, the outcome remains uncertain, with both sides holding firm to their respective positions. The discussions in Ankara are expected to be a critical step in either resolving the dispute or further entrenching the divide between Somalia and Ethiopia.

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