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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somali People are currently experiencing extreme weather during the holy month of Ramadan, despite the begging of Gu’ rainy season across the country.

“We have never experienced such extreme weather during Ramadan before. It is sunny and very hot during the day while we feel the same heat in the night time and we sleep out of our bedrooms or at the corridors”, Asha Hassan, resident in the capital told Mogadishu24.

She expressed hope that the rains are expected to fall in Mogadishu and its suburb in the coming hours as clouds show signs of rains to come.

“The average temperature of Mogadishu city these is about 30 or above degrees Celsius nowadays, to be honest, it is difficult to go out for business”, Ahmed told Mogadishu24 today.

But Spring rainfalls are reported to have started in major cities in Somalia from northern to southern parts of the country respectively.

Beledweyne city in Hiiraan region is the latest city where rains are reported to have come this afternoon.

“We received rains and wetness this afternoon here in Beledweyne, thanks to Allah”, Hussein Hassan Daqane, a journalist based in Beledweyne wrote on Facebook Post.

IGAD Predication and Application Center and Somalia Disaster Management shared information related to their rainy forecast that moderate and heavy rains are expected to fall early or mid April this month, while urging the communities nearby the rivers to be cautious.

Source : Mogadishu24

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