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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-As the Gu rains begin across Somalia, OCHA reports potential impacts on up to 770,000 people 22 districts, emphasizing the urgent need for resources to address the anticipated flooding and ongoing humanitarian challenges.

The country also tackles an extensive displacement crisis and rolls out cholera vaccines amid an outbreak, with a $1.6 billion funding requirement for 2024’s humanitarian response.

“Humanitarians have developed a plan to mitigate the anticipated impact of the Gu rains, but require urgent resources to ensure timely response. 51 boats are available to evacuate people and deliver assistance in priority locations”, OCHA said in its update report today.

The rains came three weeks after extreme heat with humidity throughout the country while people were praying to get such rainfalls, but now fears of possible impacts emerge as they might cause floods which could displace people or destroy poor infrastructures.

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