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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF), a crucial instrument in the United Nations’ humanitarian response in Somalia, has allocated $56.6 million for life-saving interventions across various regions in the country.

These allocations are a direct response to the emergencies Somalia is facing, including severe drought, ongoing conflict, cholera outbreaks, and frequent floods.

In 2023, while focusing on the most underserved and hard-to-reach areas, the SHF has funded 73 partners, emphasizing the inclusion of women, girls, and people with disabilities in all its projects. About 98% of these projects contributed to gender equality.

The SHF has prioritized direct implementation through national NGOs, with 69% of its partners being national organizations, thereby strengthening local capacities.

The crucial response to recurrent climatic shocks and conflicts has been made possible by support from various donor countries, which has enabled the SHF to assist approximately 4.9 million people through diverse interventions. This figure is particularly significant given the context of Somalia’s ongoing challenges.

The SHF’s allocation strategy reveals a comprehensive approach to humanitarian aid, with funds being distributed across various regions and sectors.

The most substantial allocations have been made to regions like Gedo, Bay, Middle Shabelle, Banadir, and Lower Shabelle, reflecting the acute needs in these areas. The targeted sectors include health, shelter, protection, nutrition, food security, logistics, and enabling programs.

However, despite these important efforts, the situation in Somalia remains difficult. The country continues to grapple with a combination of natural disasters and human-made crises.

Severe droughts have led to extreme water shortages and food insecurity, while violence has caused mass displacement and vulnerability of communities. Diseases and floods have further escalated the humanitarian crises, affecting more than 2 million people in the country.

In 2023, the Somalia Humanitarian Fund has taken important strategic measures to address these challenges, including violence, drought conditions, and health emergencies. It has also initiated cash-transfer programs amounting to 11% of the total amount allocated.

Further, the Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF), in collaboration with the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), has adapted and responded to emerging crises within the country.

These include allocations that have been made for the preparation of the El Niño floods and for supporting conflict-displaced communities and their host communities in areas like Galmudug and Hirshabelle.

The SHF’s efforts in Somalia in 2023 highlight a multifaceted approach to humanitarian aid, addressing immediate life-saving needs while also considering long-term challenges and the importance of local capacity building.

The persistent and multi-layered crises in Somalia call for continued and enhanced international support and a coordinated response to ensure the well-being and stability of its vulnerable populations.

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