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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Somali Government reiterated its firm support to the Peoples’ Republic of China, and reaffirmed its one China Policy, safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity during a round-table discussion of Taiwan question in which the Chinese Embassy organized. 

Chairperson of the Federal Parliament Committee for Somalia-China Friendship, Jama Mohamed Askar expressed solidarity with Chinese Government and people, accentuating that Taiwan is part of China any attempts against that will is illegal.

“Somalia’s position is clear, Taiwan is part of China, we are against secession, we do have similar issue here in Somalia and the countries support each other. Somalia-China share long historic relations-based developments, infrastructure, education, security”, Askar said, saying that China carried out major projects in Somalia including the National Theater, and Stadium Mogadishu and water system in Hargeysa and big roads northwest Somalia.

He stated that Somalia stands side by side with the sovereignty of China and opposes any attempts against this and sees China as single country, appreciating Chinese view over such issue on Somalia.

“Supporting China’s territorial integrity means recognizing its rightful claims and standing against any attempts to alter its borders through unlawful means”, Mohamed Osman Omar, another member of the Parliament said.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Somalia reaffirms its unwavering support for the One China policy”, Ministry of foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somalia said on X post Sunday.

Acting Ambassador of China to Somalia, Chen Wendi appreciated Somalia’s resolute opposition to the illegal actions by any part of its territory which are a violation of the one China principle.

“Mutual support to each other’s efforts in safeguarding sovereignty and territorial integrity is the important consensus between the two heads-of-state of China and Somalia. It is also an essential part of our two countries’ traditional friendship and close partnership”, Wendi said, saying that China is also committed to supporting Somalia in its efforts of safeguarding sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Chinese embassy event on Taiwan Question came days before the inauguration for the new leadership of that Taipei was expected to be held today on Monday with participants from the west. 

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