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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somalia has on Sunday returned seven containers of expired flour to Turkey following a four-month investigation conducted by the Office of the Attorney General, police, and legal courts in Mogadishu.

The expired products were detected by the Somali Bureau of Standards on March 7, 2024, at Mogadishu port. The Somali Police forces have been guarding the shipment since its discovery.

The investigation revealed that each container carried 7,000 bags of flour, which had expired in March 2023 and were imported into Somalia in March 2024. Prosecutor Mustaf Moalim Ali confirmed that after extensive investigations, the expired flour was identified and a decision was made to return it to Turkey.

The Turkish company responsible for the shipment has accepted the decision and agreed to compensate the Somali traders according to the office.

“The containers are currently being loaded onto a ship at the seaport, and we are ensuring that each container matches the documented evidence,” said Prosecutor Ali. “This decision, issued on June 25th, is being executed in accordance with our findings and diplomatic procedures.”

The Somali Bureau of Standards has warned traders against importing dangerous products that threaten the health and safety of citizens. Such cases, involving expired chemicals, medicines, and food, underscores the importance of stringent import regulations to protect public health.

The return of the expired flour is seen as a significant step in enforcing food safety standards in Somalia and preventing the distribution of hazardous products in the market.

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