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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Ministers of health from Somalia’s Federal Member States and Benadir Region have issued a strong message to their respective state leaders, highlighting significant challenges caused by the Federal Ministry of Health. In a joint letter, they expressed concerns about the Ministry’s failure to implement health development projects, particularly those involving critical funding and collaboration with international partners.

Key issues raised include:

  1. Suspension of collaboration with partner organizations for health projects across states.
  2. Loss of access to $25 million from the World Bank’s Damal health project.
  3. Stagnation of the $48 million COVID-19 project set to expire in October 2025.
  4. Delays in implementing the Global Fund project and community health services.
  5. Removal of Federal Member States from critical decision-making processes on health policy.

The health ministers called for immediate solutions to avoid further deterioration in service delivery. However, Mursal M. Khaliif, a member of the Federal Parliament, urged urgent parliamentary hearings to address the crisis.

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