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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somalia’s lower House of Parliament has on Thursday resolved a stand-off that led to the postponement of parliamentary sessions twice this week.

The conflict began after residents in Hudur and Berdaale, under Southwest State, voiced support for Ethiopian troops while rejecting Egypt’s involvement. This sparked widespread social media reactions and escalated tensions within the parliament.

Members of Parliament (MPs) from Southwest State defended their constituents’ stance, including the possibility of Egyptian troops joining the next African Union mission after ATMIS. MPs from the Hawiye clan responded by tabling a motion to withdraw immunity from their Southwest colleagues, accusing them of treason.

Parliament Speaker Sheikh Mohamud Nur “Madobe” intervened, mediating between the two sides to prevent further escalation, which could have led to a clan-based conflict. Ultimately, Hawiye MPs apologized to their Southwest counterparts, who accepted the apology, ending the dispute.

Both sides agreed to uphold Somalia’s unity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.

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