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Hargeysa(Mogadishu24)-Minister of the Breakaway Republic of Somaliland, Issa Keyd Mohamud on Saturday said that the Memorundum of the Understanding(MoU) between Ethiopia and Somaliland won’t be stopped for the Federal Government of Somalia’ rejection.

Speaking to the reporters in Hargeysa, Issa said that the Federal Government of Somalia has not capable of halting the sea-deal in any move, Somaliland have put more efforts in seeking recognition, saying that they will knock down every door to reach their goal, despite pressures and every side against the deal.

“The Somali Government that was engaging with the world nowadays about this issue everywhere, telling that Somaliland belongs to it, but we know that it can’t manage the Benadir region. President Hassan Sheikh cannot talk about Somaliland and its relations with the world”, Issa keyd said.

Somaliland entered a sensitive MoU with Ethiopia on January 1st, leasing 20 kilometers of sea access to the landlocked Ethiopia in an exchange of recognition to this region, north of Somalia, but the deal created public outrage across the Somali territory and rejection from the Federal Government of Somalia.

The Somali Government firmly refuted the ‘so-called’ deal, terming it null and void and unacceptable after holding an extra-ordinary session a day after the news of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Ethiopia and Somaliland. The tension worsened the diplomatic relations between the two neighboring countries. Somalia recalled its Ambassador to Ethiopia while protests against Ethiopia’s actions took place in major cities in the country.

Somaliland’s remarks on this issue comes as the port-deal with Ethiopia faced looming international pressure and domestic opposition while the Federal Government of Somalia received solidarity from the across the world to respect sovereignty and territorial integrity of the great Somalia.

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