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Hargeisa(Mogadishu24)-The breakaway republic of Somaliland has ordered the permanent closure of the Egyptian Cultural Library in Hargeisa due to security concerns. Somaliland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Esse Keyd, announced the decision on Wednesday, stating that all staff members must leave the country within 72 hours.

“After careful consideration due to serious and ongoing security concerns, the government of Somaliland has decided to permanently close the Egyptian Cultural Library in Hargeisa,” Keyd said in press conference, adding that the safety and security of Somaliland’s citizens remain paramount.

Somaliland’s immigration and national intelligence authorities have been tasked with overseeing the closure and ensuring the safe deportation of the library’s staff.

The closure comes amid heightened tensions in the region, following a port deal between Somaliland and Ethiopia in January, which has led to strained relations between Somalia and Ethiopia, particularly regarding Egypt’s involvement in the region.

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