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Hargeysa(Mogadishu24)-The Government of the Republic of Somaliland has raised alarm over the recent supply of heavy weapons to Somalia by Egypt, expressing concerns about the potential for increased instability in the region.

In a statement, Somaliland officials voiced their unease, noting that the Somali Government lacks the capacity to effectively manage or safeguard the significant military cache it has received.

The Somaliland government warned that the unchecked proliferation of arms in an already fragile environment could lead to an arms race, with various factions likely seeking to acquire their own stockpiles to protect their interests.

There is also growing fear that extremist groups, such as Al-Shabaab, or active clan militias could gain access to these weapons, further fueling violence and unrest in the region.

In light of these risks, Somaliland is calling on the international community to take immediate action to prevent an escalation of tensions. The government emphasized that proactive measures are essential to avoiding renewed conflict and protecting ongoing peace efforts in the region.

The concerns come just hours after an Egyptian military ship docked at Mogadishu seaport, delivering military supplies to Somalia.

Somaliland reiterated its commitment to peace and stability and urged all stakeholders to address these escalating concerns before they spiral into a broader conflict.

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