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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Supreme Court of the Armed Forces has Sunday delivered its final verdict in the case involving Security officer, Mahad Ali Abdi, also known as “Madaxeey,” and Police officer Adnan Muse Mohamed. Both officers were involved in an altercation at a vehicle checkpoint located at the Taleex intersection in Hodan district, which tragically resulted in a fatality.

The two officers were accused of causing the death of Abdirahman Osmaan Muse, who was mediating a dispute between the officers over control of the checkpoint and the authority to inspect vehicles. The altercation occurred on June 27, 2024, leading to an exchange of gunfire between the two officers, resulting in Cabdiraxmaan’s death.

The prosecution, along with the family of the late Cabdiraxmaan Cusmaan Muuse, appealed the initial ruling of the First Instance Court, which had been issued on August 28, 2024. The Office of the Prosecutor of the Armed Forces requested a review of the case, leading to the hearing by the Supreme Court.

After granting both parties ample time to present their cases, the Supreme Court of the Armed Forces issued its ruling today:

  1. NISA officer Mahad Ali Abdi, alias “Madaxeey,” was sentenced to death by firing squad, in accordance with the principle of Qisas (retribution), for the killing of Abdirahman Osmaan Muse.
  2. Police officer Adnaan Muse Mohamed was sentenced to six years of military imprisonment for his involvement in the incident.

Major General Liiban Ali Yarow, the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Armed Forces, announced the verdict to the media following the court session.

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