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Baidoa(Mogadishu24)–The ongoing conflict between Somalia’s Federal Government and the Southwest State intensified as the federal authorities on Tuesday briefly suspended flights to Baidoa, the administrative capital of Southwest State.

The suspension was lifted soon after, and flight operations resumed normally, according to Southwest State officials.

However, tensions flared further when Southwest State officials suspended a flight scheduled to land in Barawe, a key port town in Lower Shabelle region yesterday. Reports suggest the plane was transporting forces loyal to Southwest State President Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed ‘Lafta-gareen,’ adding to the already heavy military presence of Somali National Army (SNA), Ugandan troops under the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), and Southwest State forces in Barawe.

Unverified reports indicate that the federal government planned to reinforce SNA forces in Barawe, possibly to pressure President Lafta-gareen to align with the government’s stance on regional matters, particularly regarding Ethiopia.

The tensions follow a failed attempt by Somali Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre to mediate between the two sides during a visit to Baidoa last week.

The dispute escalated after Hudur residents in Bakool region protested in support of Ethiopian troops while rejecting Egypt’s potential involvement in the next AU mission in Somalia. The protests caused controversy, especially among Somali politicians in Mogadishu.

Twenty-five members of the federal parliament, representing constituencies in Southwest State, supported the Hudur residents, facing opposition from their colleagues. A motion to remove the MPs’ immunity sparked further division. President Lafta-gareen defended the MPs, stating they were upholding the rights of their constituents, and condemned actions taken against them.

As Southwest State prepares for upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections, with President Lafta-gareen seeking re-election, conflicting interests between the regional and federal governments are expected to further complicate the situation. How these tensions will be resolved remains unclear.


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