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Baidoa(Mogadishu24)-Fresh clashes based on tribal conflicts renewed in four major cities in Bay and lower Shabelle regions under Southwest State in Somalia according to residents and authorities.

Fighting between two warring militias within single tribe is currently going in Bur-hakaba district in Bay region now while at least 10 people were killed and others injured after two clan militias clashed in Diinsoor district in the same region two weeks ago.

At least three people were confirmed dead and others injured after clan based conflict erupted in the port town of Barawe in lower Shabelle region in the past two days and there is still uncertainty stability in the city yet.

The same clans who fought in Barawe city have been fighting in Qoryoley town in the same region last week during the holy month of Ramadan, eyewitness confirmed to Mogadishu24.

Local and authorities did not comment on the latest clashes based on conflict with minor causes like sharing water resources, grazing and lad disputes in those regions according to reports and residents.

Al-Shabaab militants controls major parts of areas under those cities, some accuse the group of igniting the clannish conflicts, but it’s not clear on how they can be able to do so.

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