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Türkiye’s Maarif Foundation opened a school in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region where peace has been established after the civil war.

The official opening ceremony of the school was attended by Türkiye’s Ambassador to Addis Ababa Berk Baran, and Turkish officials from Maarif Foundation along with Deputy President of the Tigray Region Gen. Tsadkan Gebretensae, and Education Director of Tigray Region Kiros Geush.

Ambassador Baran, in a statement to Anadolu, touched upon Türkiye’s 128-year-long diplomatic relations with Ethiopia, stating: “We know that the contacts between peoples date back five centuries.

“We have equally close relations with all ethnic communities in this country. Therefore, we find it very meaningful that the Türkiye Maarif Foundation has opened its seventh school in Ethiopia in the Tigray region.”

“We believe that this school will make a significant contribution to the region’s recovery after the civil war,” he added.

Source: AA

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