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Garissa(Mogadishu24)-Two Al-Shabaab militants were killed, and others were injured in a bomb explosion on Tuesday as they were attempting to implant an improvised explosion device (IED) along the Amuma-Ruqa road in Garissa County, Kenya.

The Kenya Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) confirmed the incident and stated that the Al-Shabaab militants involved in this plot fell into their trap.

“A group of Al-Shabaab militants that was planting an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) along a road in Garissa County, was served a taste of their own medicine when the IED exploded killing two of them on the spot, as others scattered from the scene with life threatening injuries,” the statement from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations reads.

The statement added that the explosion was intended to harm innocent civilians and police officers using the road, but it ended up killing the militants involved, with their body parts scattered over a 50-meter-wide area.

The DCI mentioned in the statement that batteries and wires believed to have been part of the explosion were found at the scene.

“Karma came back on the militants who were targeting innocent civilians and police officers using the road when the explosive went off delivering instant justice to the Shabaab.”

“Scattered limbs, parts of the human digestive system, and tatters of the ragtag militia’s fatigues littered the scene, demonstrating the level of impact of the explosion. Also found at the scene was a battery and some wires believed to have been part of the explosive,” the statement added.

Police officers on patrol from a nearby police camp visited the scene along the Amuma-Ruqa Road and confirmed the incident involving the failed explosion attempt.

The officers have since conducted a clearance operation in the area to track down and pursue heavily injured militants.

Al-Shabaab militants did not comment on this incident and the claims made by Kenyan authorities.

Over the years, Al-Shabaab militants have conducted a surge of terror attacks in Northeastern Kenya, which has had negative impacts on the region, contributing to poverty, low-quality education, and poor infrastructure.

The militants’ attacks have targeted learning institutions since the attack on Garissa University in 2015, which killed 148 students and have had far-reaching consequences. 

These attacks have instilled fear in non-local teachers, disrupting the learning process and creating a shortage of teachers in the region due to massive transfers of non-local teachers.

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