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Garowe(Mogadishu24)-Two People including Police Officer were injured following a clash on Saturday night between a group of Danab Forces and soldiers stationed at Israac Police station in Garowe, the administrative capital of Puntland State.

The Deputy Commander of the Nugaal police force, Mohamud Bile Fardaful, accused Danab Forces under the command of Colonel Jimale Takar for the attack.

The Commander stated that the clash started when the Danab forces brought a civilian to the police station. This individual had been subjected to torture after his vehicle was hit from behind by the forces.

The officers attached to Israac police station refused to arrest the victim, claiming that he needed special medical attention.

“The incident witnessed at Israac Police station began when they brought an injured man seeking arrest. The station officers told them that the man required medical attention due to his injuries,” stated Mr. Fardaful.

He went on to elaborate that the Danab forces called for military backup, which escalated the conflict.

He stated that the police officers defended themselves, the Danab forces who resorted to disrupt the station’s operations and release the detainees from the cells.

“In response, these Danab Forces attempted to disrupt the operations, even issuing threats to release the prisoners. Then, the conflict escalated as they called for reinforcements, including technical vehicles and additional forces,” he added.

However, the deputy police commander assured that those accountable for the incident would face legal consequences.

The victim who suffered injuries due to harassment and torture by the Danab Forces provided an account of the incident.

“While driving my car on the correct lane of the two-way road, a group of forces emerged from behind and collided with my vehicle. They then parked their car and approached me, approximately ten armed men strong. They accused me of being in the wrong lane and proceeded to physically assault me by hitting with both the guns and physical blows,” recounted the victim.

Garowe has been grappling with escalating insecurity, including armed robberies, violence, and increased murder and theft.

The conflicts in Garowe increased, as opposing political parties continue to reject constitutional amendments approved by the Parliament and the appointment of a three-members electoral committee by President Deni.

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