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Mandera(Mogadishu24)-At least two police officers were on Sunday evenig killed, and six others injured after a vehicle they were travelling in was hit by a landmine explosion in Ledhi area, along Arabia-Mandera Road, Mandera County.

The Police have confirmed the incident and said that the explosion targeted the officers from Kenya Police Quick Response Unit (QRU) who were from Arabia to Mandera Town when their vehicle ran over the improvised explosive devices (IED) which was implanted on the road.

Police report added that one officer died on the spot while the second one died in the hospital while receiving treatment.

They have also stated that two out of the six injured officials are in critical conditions and need special medial attention.

There has been a decline in terrorist activities in the region for the past one month due to the increase in intelligence reports provided by the locals.

The Al-Shabaab attacks have had great impacts on the education system as the non local (non-somali) teachers have refused to resume their work in schools located in Mandera, Wajir, and Garissa

“We are not going to North Eastern Kenya, it has turned to be the cause of many deaths of our non local teachers and a target for the remaining ones,” a teacher said on Friday while seeking transfer at the Teachers Service Commission’s headquarter in Nairobi.

However, local leaders refuted the claims and stated that those teachers are treated better than the local teachers.

Mandera County Governor Mohamed Adan Khalif blasted the teachers and stated that they use North Eastern Kenya as recruitment centres.

“Mandera is not a recruitment bureau. Why did you accept to be posted here at first, knowing that there is insecurity posed by Al-Shabaab?” he questioned the non-local teachers.

Mohamed Adow, Wajir South Member of Parliament, said that this scarcity of teachers can be solved solely by recruiting our local teachers.

“The only solution to the teachers crisis in North Eastern region is and remains the training and recruitment of local teachers. We can’t expect anything good to come out of the xenophobic Teachers Service Commission,” said Mohamed Adow, Wajir South MP.

Al-Shabaab attacks in the North Eastern region have also changed the government’s plan to re-open the Somalia-Kenya borders. Kenya’s Minister of Interior Kithure Kindiki announced that the re-opening of the border has been suspended.

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