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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-U.S. Ambassador to Somalia Richard Riley expressed strong support for the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) and praised the efforts of troop-contributing countries in helping stabilize the country.

Speaking on Wednesday, Ambassador Riley also addressed growing concerns over escalating tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia, urging a peaceful resolution to the ongoing dispute.

“We absolutely have always strongly supported the current ATMIS force here. We are very grateful to the troop-contributing countries, who have provided very brave personnel for many years to assist the federal government to bring stability and security here,” Riley stated.

The U.S. is actively involved in diplomatic efforts to resolve the dispute between Somalia and Ethiopia, which has intensified following Ethiopia’s signing of a memorandum of understanding with Somaliland earlier this year.

The agreement, which Somalia views as a violation of its sovereignty, has sparked fears of a potential armed conflict between Ethiopian soldiers stationed in Somalia and Somali forces.

Riley stressed that such a conflict would be “unacceptable,” emphasizing the need for urgent diplomatic solutions. “No one can accept there would be any kind of conflict, much less war. That is why everybody in the international community is working nonstop. We certainly are, from the United States and from Washington, to find the proper resolution of this conflict between Ethiopia and Somalia,” he said.

The ambassador reiterated the U.S.’s commitment to supporting Somalia in its pursuit of stability and security, calling for swift action to resolve the tensions diplomatically.

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