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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The U.S. Embassy in Somalia has praised the recent local council elections in Puntland State, marking them as a significant milestone in Somalia’s journey toward effective governance and democracy.

“The United States congratulates the people of #Puntland and the @PECPuntland on the recent local council elections in Nugaal region. The ability of thousands of Puntlanders to exercise their right to vote is a significant development in #Somalia’s path to effective governance and democracy“, the Embassy on X Sunday.

Successful Elections in Nugaal Region

Puntland State conducted local council elections on July 23rd in the districts of Garowe, Dangoroyo, and Godobjiraan. The elections saw over 60,000 registered voters casting their ballots. Voters were observed standing in long queues, participating in the electoral process peacefully and democratically.

Federal Government’s Silence

Despite the success of the elections, the Federal Government of Somalia has not issued any congratulations to Puntland State. This silence comes in contrast to its repeated calls for a one-person, one-vote election across Somalia.

The successful elections in Puntland represent a crucial step in Somalia’s ongoing efforts to build a democratic and effective governance system. The commendation from the U.S. Embassy highlights the importance of these developments in the broader context of Somalia’s political landscape.

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