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New York(Mogadishu24)-The United Nations has on Friday released $100 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to address critical underfunding in humanitarian emergencies across 10 countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and the Middle East.

This allocation comes as the global funding outlook remains bleak, with significant gaps between humanitarian needs and available donor funding.

Joyce Msuya, Acting Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, emphasized the urgency of the situation, stating, “In far too many humanitarian emergencies, a lack of funding prevents aid agencies from reaching people who need life-saving assistance, and that is heart-wrenching.”

More than a third of the CERF allocation will support aid operations in Yemen ($20 million) and Ethiopia ($15 million), where millions are struggling with the compounded effects of hunger, displacement, disease, and climate disasters.

The funding will also support humanitarian efforts in Myanmar, Mali, Burkina Faso, Haiti, Cameroon, Mozambique, Burundi, and Malawi, addressing crises exacerbated by conflict, displacement, and climate shocks.

This is the second allocation for underfunded emergencies this year, with CERF previously releasing $100 million in February. However, the $200 million allocated in 2024 is the lowest amount in the last three years, highlighting the widening gap between escalating humanitarian needs and available funding.

This year, the global humanitarian community seeks $49 billion to assist 187 million vulnerable people in crisis. To date, only 29% of the required funding has been secured, leaving a $35 billion shortfall. The situation underscores the critical need for increased and sustained donor contributions to meet the growing demands.

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