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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-A United Nations-contracted cargo plane on Thursday crashed while landing on an air-strip in El-Barde in Somalia’s South West State, causing the death of one passenger and another one injured.

United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia said in a statement that the aircraft was transporting humanitarian supplies for the World Food Programme when it veered off the runway. Initial reports indicate there was one fatality and two people injured.

Both the UN and the local authorities did not identify who the victims were so far. 

“The United Nations in Somalia expresses its condolence to the family and colleagues of the victim, and wishes a speedy recovery for the injured”, the statement.

The United Nations is working with the contracted airline company and federal and South West State authorities to investigate the incident. 

This is the second incident that the United Nations-contracted plane crashes in Somalia in about a week’s period, but with different situations.

United Nations-contracted helicopter landed at Xiin-dheere location near Wisil district in Mudug and Galgudud border regions accidentally last week according to local authorities.

Mohamed Aden Gabobe, Security Minister for Galmudug State told BBC-Somali Service that the helicopter flew from Beleweyne town in Hiiraan region and was heading to Wisil, but it accidentally landed into Xiin-dheere area.

He said that the plane was carrying military consignment to the Somali National Army base in Wisil, saying it is believed that there were 7 people including Somalis on board.

The Somali Government and the United Nations Assistance Mission in Mogadishu did not comment on the matter yet so far.

Al-Shbaaab militants were reported to have captured the helicopter, but the group also did not provide about this.

But this is not the first time, a plan lands in an area under Al-Shabaab. Such accident happened in area near Awdhegle town in lower Shabelle region about six years ago. No one knows it remained that.

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