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Garowe(Mogadishu24)-United Nations Special Envoy for Somalia, Catriona Liang on Sunday held meeting to intervene the latest developments over Puntland’s tough stance against Federal Parliament and Government of Somalia.

Vice President, Ilyas Osman Lugator said in a brief statement that the two sides focused on discussions related to speeding up development projects and Humanitarian issues in the region and ways to have direct collaboration with UN agencies.

He did not comment on what message did the Envoy deliver to them, and she did not comment on her meeting with Puntland State officials.

This comes as hours after Puntland State on Saturday night announced, withdrawing recognition and confidence in the Federal Government of Somalia, following Parliament’s approval of parts of proposed amendments into the provisional constitution.

Information Minister for Puntland State, Mohamud Aidid Dirir said in a press conference that the Parliament’s move violated all agreements, safeguarding unity of the country based on federal system.

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