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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The United States Embassy in Mogadishu condemned yesterday’s attack against UAE military trainers and Somali National Army.

“We extend our deepest condolences to the loved ones of those who lost their lives in yesterday’s deplorable terrorist attack against UAE military trainers and Somali soldiers valiantly working to advance the nation’s stability. We condemn this cowardly attack in the strongest terms and remain steadfast in our support of Somali efforts to build peace”, It said on X post.

UAE Ministry of Defense confirmed that 3 members of its Armed Forces and an officer from the Bahrain Defense Force were killed and 2 others injured as a result of the terrorist act in Somalia, while performing their work duties in training and qualifying the Somali Armed Forces.

The deadly attack happened on Saturday evening at General Gordon Army base in Mogadishu’s Hodan district where over a dozen soldiers including officers from the United Arab Emirates and Bahraini officer were killed while others injured after SNA soldiers who was at the base, opened fire to them.

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