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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Former President of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo on Sunday visited United States of America’s Embassy in Mogadishu after his return to the capital early this month to engage talks on the constitutional review.

“CdA Shane L. Dixon met with Former President Mohamed Farmaajo to discuss regional affairs and promote inclusive politics – particularly during the ongoing constitutional review process”, U.S Embassy said on X formerly twitter.

Farmajo did not comment on his meeting with U.S Charge de’affairs, Shane L. Dixon yesterday, but this is the second appearance that he made after his arrival back to the capital Mogadishu since he was defeated in the presidential election about two years ago.

The first appearance was when he and former President, Sharif Sh. Ahmed met and discussed the necessary for inclusive consultations regarding to on-going changes and amendments into the provisional constitution.

“We agreed to maintain our meetings and consulatations while other politicians and other parts of the community will join participating such gatherings at the same time”, they said in a statement at the time.

However, President Farmajo who used to be U.S. citizen, is no longer be American national because he renounced his U.S. citizenship during his term in 2019.

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