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Garowe(Mogadishu)-Puntland State on Sunday arrested Al-Shabaab militants who were planning to carry out suicide bombings during the Eid festivities in Galkayo town in Mudug region according to Governor, Feysal Sheikh Ali

During the Eid al-Adha rally, Governor Ali revealed that the security forces had effectively apprehended members of the Al-Shabaab network responsible for the recent spate of killings in Galkayo. While specific details regarding the timing and location of the arrests were not disclosed, Governor Ali highlighted the decisive actions taken by the security agencies to counter security threats and thwart conspiracies within the city.

The Governor urged the public to actively collaborate with the security agencies by sharing any pertinent security information and to exercise caution when renting properties to unfamiliar individuals.

Puntland forces have previously succeeded in neutralizing Al-Shabaab militants in the region, leading to the arrests of several of their leaders and the implementation of death sentences for those found guilty. As a result, the presence of Al-Shabaab in the region has significantly diminished in recent years.

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