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Former leaders of the Federal Government of Somalia have arrived in Mogadishu on Tuesday in preparation for an important meeting scheduled to take place at the Villa Somalia.

“H.E.@HassanSMohamud invites former Somali leaders for a consultative meeting to share achievements, challenges, and future plans. The president will hear the insights of former leaders on security, counter-terrorism, completion of the constitution review & democratization”, Villa Somalia said on Twitter Post.

The former Prime Ministers Hassan Ali Kheyre, Abdirashid Omar Sharmaarke, and Abdiweli Gaas responded to invitations and made their way to the capital. The meeting anticipates the participation of several other prominent figures, including former Presidents Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and Sharif Sheikh Ahmed.

These former leaders’ arrivals set the stage for a high-profile meeting aimed at discussing and proposing electoral reforms in Somalia. The primary focus of the gathering is to address the contentious electoral system and seek potential solutions, such as the implementation of a one-person, one-vote electoral process. This proposed system aims to empower citizens to democratically elect their preferred candidates for the federal parliament. Additionally, the meeting aims to provide a platform for leaders to voice their concerns and grievances regarding the National Consultative Council’s (NCC) agreement, which some leaders oppose.

The arrival of former leaders is an essential step toward finding a resolution to the current political deadlock in Somalia. The meeting offers an opportunity for leaders to engage in constructive discussions and work towards implementing NCC’s Agreement.

The conference comes at a critical time for the country, as it grapples with a political impasse resulting from the agreement reached by the National Council Agreement in Baidoa.

Furthermore, the Federal Parliament witnessed chaos and confusion last Saturday due to disagreements over the agenda, particularly a motion related to the NCC’s Agreement. The inclusion of this contentious item triggered divisions among the members, leading to a state of uncertainty and a loss of control during the parliamentary session.

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