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Garowe(Mogadishu24)-The Puntland Politicians Forum has on Thursday filed a case at the Puntland State Constitutional Court, citing concerns over President Said Abdullahi Deni’s proposed electoral system that appears to favor him and his party in the upcoming elections. Moreover, the President exerted pressure on the parliament to swiftly approve this proposal, resulting in unrest, turmoil, and heightened tensions within Garowe.

Guled Salah, former Chairman of Puntland Elections Commission, confirmed their move and accused the Puntland State Administration of prioritizing its own interests.

“Today, a group of approximately 30 Puntland politicians, including myself, have formally filed a case with the Constitutional Court. Our case challenges the actions of the State Administration, which we believe are in violation of the constitution and established policies of our nation. We have made the decision to pursue the appropriate legal procedures in order to address these concerns,” explained Guled Salah, former Chairman of the Puntland Elections Commission.

He added: “The entire Puntland Administration seems to be prioritizing self-interests over the welfare of the people. It is imperative that the president promptly takes charge and restores order before the situation escalates further.”

Guled also advised the president to take immediate action to prevent the government from slipping out of his control, urging him to reconsider his decisions and reassess the situation.

“Considering the seriousness of this matter, we strongly urge the president to reconside his decision before it becomes unmanageable, as he has often sought solutions only after issues have escalated,” he stated.

In addition, he appealed to the parliament to avoid passing measures that would enable the President to extend his term or escalate the situation in the region. Instead, he urges them to actively participate in the negotiation and solution-finding process.

“We urge and appeal to the parliament to abstain from endorsing any bills that could potentially enable the president to prolong his term; as such actions would only exacerbate the prevailing tensions. Instead, we implore them to actively engage in the negotiation and resolution process, striving to contribute to the search for viable solutions to these tensions,” Guled passionately appealed.

Puntland State is preparing for its presidential election on January 8, 2024. This election marks a significant milestone as the region embraces its first-ever democratic elections under the “one person, one vote” approach. The upcoming election holds immense importance for Puntland’s future, as it aims to strengthen democratic principles and ensure the representation of every citizen.

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