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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The National Security Adviser to the President of Somalia, Hussein Sheikh Ali commented on government’s strategy for achieving national security after the withdrawal of ATMIS forces from the country.

Hussein Sheikh elaborated on various aspects of the government’s plan, including assuming control of national security, the withdrawal of the ATMIS forces, the potential lifting of the arms embargo on Somalia, the establishment of a national army, and the ongoing fight against Al-Shabaab.

The first phase of the war against Al-Shabaab is nearing its conclusion, with plans to initiate the second phase involving the participation of troops from frontline countries.

He emphasized that a timeline of 18 months has been set to liberate the country from Al-Shabaab, and ensuring the completion of the ATMIS drawdown granting the Somali government full control over territorial security.

Hussein Sheikh stated that the funds previously allocated to the ATMIS army by European Union countries will now be transferred to the Somali national army. Furthermore, the salaries of the 2,000 ATMIS forces have been redirected to the Somali national army.

Hussein Sheikh emphasized the government’s commitment to building a robust national army, emphasizing that sufficient troops are now available to combat Al-Shabaab across different regions.

The presidential advisor further expressed grave concerns over the arms embargo that has limited the capabilities and the strength of the Somali Army in fighting Al-Shabaab.

In the aftermath of recent Al-Shabaab attacks in the region, the current government has undertaken significant measures to address the security concerns.

To reinforce security in Mogadishu, the paramilitary forces of Somalia carried out a rigorous operation in Deynile during the night. Their operation primarily focused on thorough vehicle inspections along the district’s roads, aiming to curb the recurring Al-Shabaab attacks.

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