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Djibouti(Mogadishu24)-Djiboutian Minister of Defense, Hassan Omar Mohamed, and Major General of the Armed Forces, General Zakaria Sheikh Ibrahim, have on Saturday closed a three months military training for 146 Djibouti forces at Holhol military camp in the country. These newly trained soldiers will be integrated into the Djiboutian Military forces, serving within the country or deployed to neighboring countries to support regional peacekeeping efforts.

This being the second batch of troops to complete the comprehensive training, is aimed at enhancing military skills for sustainable peace and development in Djibouti.

Lieutenant Colonel Mohamed Jamaa Qayad, commander of the Holhol training camp, expressed gratitude to Major General of the Armed Forces and officials from the Ministry for their unwavering support throughout the training period.

“We are today closing a three-month military training for 146 soldiers at Holhol training camp. So far, this is the second batch we have trained within this year. This new recruits will part of our military forces and will serve the country towards sustainable peace and development,” said L. Colonel Mohamed Jamaa Qayad.

He added: “We express the Major General of the armed forces General Zakaria Sheikh and officials from the Ministry of Defense especially the minister who have been supporting us throughout the training program. Through their collaboration and commitment the training program has been a success for us all.”

During the closing ceremony, the military announced that 142 soldiers passed the examination, while 4 did not meet the requirements. The successful graduates received certificates of military training completion, with three top candidates receiving honorary certificates from the Minister of Defence and other high-ranking military officials.

High-ranking government officials and representatives from security departments, including Minister of Internal Affairs Said Nuh, attended the important ceremony, which shows Djibouti’s efforts to enhance its military capabilities.

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