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Dhusamareb(Mogadishu24)-Five children were killed on Sundaynight by clan militia in Qorof, near Somalia and Ethiopia border in Galgadud region, as a result of a dispute rooted to tribal conflicts.

Local community members have stated that the murders of these school-going children were driven by tribal conflicts, with the innocent victims falling victim to an act of revenge. The culprits responsible for this heinous crime managed to escape the scene.

“The individuals behind these murders managed to escape, and we don’t know why they committed this crime.. However, it seems connected to the continuing tribal conflicts and as a revenge mission,” a resident stated.

Community leaders have termed this incident inhumane and have called for appropriate government’s intervention against the culprits. In addition, several other children were abducted by the militia and are still missing.

“We urge the government to take action against those responsible for these heinous acts. What they have committed is inhumane, evil, and contrary to religious teachings. They targeted sleeping children next to the Quranic School, selectively killing five and injuring a six-year-old who’s now being treated at the hospital. The perpetrators have also abducted other children whose whereabouts are unknown,” expressed one of the scholars.

Among the victims, two were orphaned, having lost their father in an earlier revenge attack. All five young lives lost were those of minors. The eldest was 13 years old, while the youngest was just 6 years old.

Abdirahman Abdishakur, the Special Presidential Envoy for Drought Response, expressed grave sorrow over the loss of these innocent children.

“The five children who were brutally killed were buried in front of their classmates. This paints a troubling picture of a person who may appear kind but possesses a heart as fierce as a lion’s, lacking sympathy,9 understanding, and responsibility. Such a person disregards principles of fairness and the importance of following the law,” Abdirahman Abdishakur stated.


Prolonged inter-clan conflicts have long affected the Somali community, impacting livelihoods and peaceful coexistence among families.

Prior to this incident, an inter-clan conflict had arisen between communities residing in Adale and Raage-Ceele districts within the Middle Shabelle region. However, former Somali President Shariff Sheikh Ahmed led a peace mission that facilitated a peaceful dialogue to resolve the conflicts between the warring communities.

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