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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The disaster management and response agencies, along with the ministries responsible for providing humanitarian aid at both the federal and state levels, have jointly issued a statement prohibiting the trade of aid brought into Somalia.

“The agencies in charge of Humanitarian Aid both at Federal and State levels hereby clarify that the trade of aid items is prohibited, whether it is food, medicines, or any other items,” the statement read.

The statement added that anyone found selling humanitarian aid will face immediate prosecution.

“These aids are intended to benefit the less fortunate members of the community, including malnourished children and mothers. Anyone found involved in the trade of these humanitarian aids will be prosecuted,” the statement added.

This decision comes in the wake of a United Nations investigation that revealed serious theft of humanitarian aid in Somalia. This investigation led the European Union to temporarily suspend its financial support for the World Food Program (WFP) in Somalia.

The federal government has further noted that it was not involved in any alleged misappropriation of humanitarian aid.

The joint Federal and States agencies have urged all individuals and organizations working on aid-related issues to avoid any actions that would divert aid away from its intended purpose.

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