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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA), in collaboration with Kenyan detectives and authorities, have arrested Sufyan Sheikh Ahmed, who is accused of being an Al-Shabaab sympathizer.

In a statement released on Tuesday, NISA announced the arrest in Nairobi, accusing him of spreading extremist ideologies that which are threat to peace and stability in Somalia and the region.

“The National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) has arrested Sufyaan Sheikh Ahmed, who has recently been spreading extremist ideologies which are against the peace, stability, and governance of Somalia, as well as supporting the Al-Shabaab terrorist organization,” the statement from NISA reads.

The statement added that Sufyaan was arrested by detectives in Nairobi and was extradited to Mogadishu for Somali authorities to conduct investigations and detain him until the investigations are completed.

“Sufyaan, a Somali citizen living in Nairobi, Kenya, was brought to Mogadishu by NISA, which began investigations and interrogations related to the accusations, his links with Al-Shabaab, other networks connected to them, and individuals who share this extremist ideology in general,” the statement added.

NISA has reiterated its commitment to target all those who are openly or secretly involved with terrorism, both internally and externally, including financiers and sympathizers of terrorist groups.

Somalia’s Minister of Information, Daud Aweis, applauded the joint efforts of the Somali and Kenyan detectives and stated that it will create a safer and more stable region.

“Uniting against extremism! The recent extradition of Sufyan Sh. Ahmed from Nairobi to Mogadishu highlights the importance of regional security cooperation. Somalia and Kenya’s joint efforts aim to create a stable Horn of Africa, safeguarding the well-being of the region,” said Daud Aweis, Somalia’s Minister of Information.

Sufyaan Sheikh Ahmed, known as “Taakeeye,” is popular on social media, and he gives interviews to most of the private media, discussing topics that have sparked many discussions.

The National Security and Intelligence Agency (NISA) also said last week that it has arrested Zakaria Kamal Sufi, who is accused of bringing weapons to Al-Shabaab from abroad.

The war between the Somali Government and the Al-Shabaab group has intensified since the re-election of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud in May last year.

Al-Shabaab has resorted to planned attacks on Somali National Army (SNA) bases and civilian targets, killing dozens of SNA soldiers and civilians.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud declared a “total war” against Al-Shabaab last year. Since then, government forces, together with the local community and international partners, have liberated more than 80 locations from the Al-Shabaab terrorist group.

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