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Djibouti(Mogadishu24)-Djibouti on Wednesday celebrated the National and African Youth Day in which the country’s President, Ismail Omar Guelleh, initiated in 2014 to focus on concerns of the youth

This event, which aimed to highlight the role of youth in society and their inclusion in government development, particularly in the blue economy, was organized by Djibouti’s Ministry of Youth and Culture.

Dr. Hibo Muumin Asowe, Djibouti’s Minister of Youth, underscored the importance of this event in motivating the youth for their efforts in the country’s developmental growth.

‘Today, we have gathered for this event to motivate our youth and encourage them to strengthen their efforts in the blue economy sector. So far, the government of Djibouti has achieved tremendous progress in creating jobs for the youth and reducing the unemployment rate,’ said Dr. Hibo, Djibouti’s Minister of Youth.

She added, ‘In the coming weeks, we will host the IGAD Youth Summit, which will discuss the opportunities for the youth and address the challenges they face. We will present our achievements and plans for the youth at the summit.’

Djibouti’s President, Ismail Omar Guelleh, stressed the importance of youth in the progress and growth of the country.

He mentioned the crucial steps taken by the government of Djibouti to reduce the unemployment rate in the country through the creation of job opportunities and paid internships.

‘I am pleased to celebrate this National and African Youth Day, which provides a platform to highlight the role of youth in our country’s growth,’ President Guelleh said.

‘We have taken crucial measures to reduce the unemployment rate and promote the creation of job opportunities. In partnership with private sectors, we have successfully created jobs for over 5,000 young people. We have also created jobs in our government agencies, including the national service, and provided paid internships in state-owned institutions,’ the president added.

The president reiterated his government’s commitment to creating more jobs for the youth and offering training to enhance competitiveness, economic diversification, and innovation.

During the ceremony, individuals and companies were honored for their exemplary community service and achievements that had a positive impact on society.

Djibouti has been achieving significant financial and institutional developments in the sectors of education, health, maritime affairs, and sports to achieve its vision for 2035.

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