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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, is in New York to open and chair a Somalia-led security conference scheduled to begin today, Tuesday, December 12th.

The conference is expected to be attended by representatives from 26 countries, the United Nations, the Arab League, the European Union, and the African Union.

Key agendas include discussions on the current security situation in Somalia, with a particular focus on achievements against the Al-Shabaab terrorist group, the ATMIS transition, and Somalia’s post-embargo security requirements and plans.

“The Government of Somalia is convening a conference on the security of Somalia at the United Nations headquarters in New York. Key discussions will revolve around the progress and challenges of the reconstruction of the security institutions, ATMIS transition, and plans for the Somali Security Forces after taking over national security, as well as stabilization efforts for the newly liberated areas,” said Abdikadir Ali Dige, spokesperson for Villa Somalia.

Da’ud Aweis Jama, Somalia’s Minister of Information, emphasized that the conference’s primary goal is to facilitate conversations and develop innovative strategies to enhance Somalia’s stability and security.

Hussein Sheikh Ali, the National Security Advisor, noted that the conference serves as a platform for Somali Security Forces to share their capabilities and challenges with international partners.

“This conference will allow the Somali Security Forces, including the Army and Police, to present and share their capabilities and challenges with international partners while preparing to take over national security from ATMIS starting from December 2024,” said Mr. Hussein.

He acknowledged the continuous support of international partners in state-building efforts and strengthening the security institutions of Somalia.

“We have invited 25 countries and three multi-national organizations like the African Union, United Nations, and the Arab League. They have always been supportive of the Somali Government in ensuring the stability and security of the country. In this conference, we will share our plans with them and request their support to strengthen our forces in the post-ATMIS and post-embargo period,” he added.

On December 1st, the United Nations Security Council lifted the long-lasting arms embargo on Somalia, after 31 years since its imposition in 1992.

The Council stated that the decision was made after concluding that Somalia met the required standards for weapons and ammunition management and control systems.

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